Tuesday 31 December 2013

Guardian's Crusade

"You will find her in God's Tower"

Guardian's Crusade is my favourite game of all time because it introduced me to the genre of RPGs. I was much younger and I was also notoriously bad at finishing RPGs back in the day and this was one that I could get through and enjoy. I loved the little morphing baby who I wonderfully named 'Baby Eve' after Eevee thanks to Pokemon. I also thought the main character was a girl because of the red fabric on the back of his helmet so I called him 'Misty'...*sigh* Never the less it didn't stop me from playing it and playing it until I became attached to the characters and the world.

I wanted a piece of art that showed my appreciation for the game and how much it meant to me then and now. I thought of how the characters would look on a promotional poster and also in a simplified vector way. Even though it's not as classic, I did draw some inspiration from Art Deco posters, but I didn't want to lose the classic fantasy feel of the story.

This is what I came up with.

And here is my progress from rough line design sketch to finished vector piece. I was tempted to leave the vectors as block colours in the second image, making it look more like a simple children's book illustration, but I decided to continue.

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